UV-C specialists UV-C for industry UV-C for closed cabinets, elevators and cold storage rooms Surface decontamination UV-C fot medical and dental pracitice UVC disinfection boxes

Packaging UV-c Disinfection

We precisely dose the UV-C dose necessary for your needs and the targeted pathoegens for an optimal disinfection. We can precisely measure the impact of our treatment and provide you with figures from an independent laboratory.

Question us. We have very powerful lamps, and we protect our quartz UV-C tubes to avoid any accidental pollution of your products.

Caps decontamination with UV-C

To give pathogens no chance, not only the container, but also the stopper, cap or sealing film must be treated with UV-C. We intervene on vibrating bowls, on conveyors, on film surfaces before sealing, on lids of any material.

You have a video here

ERIES - 6 Rue de la Prévôté - 78550 Houdan - France

Telefon International Sales, Integrators and partners:
Mathias LEONARD : +33 233 345 779 - Whatsapp and Mobile +33 688 311 616